The Sacred Forest Oasis is an eco-place of welcome and transmission, a space where self-knowledge flourishes.
Through practical daily acts of celebration, eco-construction and gardening. We embellish, sow, water and harvest with respect for the living.
We live with the elements that surround us, listening to the whole of nature. This generous foundation is present for us to flourish, to breathe, to sing, to create, to celebrate, to heal, to dream...
This benevolent energy of the oasis is shared during meetings, stays, workshops and transmissions.
This place allows a reconnection to the elements... the Sacred Forest Oasis is a space to take care of yourself, to strengthen your spiritual connection with nature. We offer individual support, somatotherapy, massages, sacred fire ceremonies and a rainbow crossing to reintegrate the power of colours within you. An ecological SPA area combines a Mayan sauna with a floral elixir bath. The spring water of the bath is solar heated. This experience offers a gentle transformation accompanied by the energy of the four elements and flowers.
Our individual path radiates into the vast field of unity, allowing the rebirth of our potential for cooperation with nature. Taking the time to go to the essence opens up new creative paths.